
ProtoPie – advanced prototypes using real data

Getting easy access to realistic vehicle data is critical for automotive prototyping. RemotiveCloud and RemotiveBroker can feed ProtoPie with real vehicle data which is great for concept validation.

Concept validation of AMG Instrument Cluster in ProtoPie, fed live data from a vehicle to ProtoPie using a RemotiveBroker.

Less development time – better automotive prototypes!

Using RemotiveLabs tooling in combination with ProtoPie makes prototyping of vehicle UX faster, smoother, and more relevant.

  • Easily try out your design ideas with real data – use recordings or experience live in a vehicle. No need to try to simulate realistic data!
  • Share vehicle data and collaborate seamlessly (transform OEM proprietary data to the desired format including VSS and Android vehicle properties). 
  • Use in combination with ProtoPie, stream data into Android Automotive or your emulator to test your application.
Porsche instrument cluster

RemotiveLabs makes it easy to collaborate, innovate and get stuff done using recorded and live vehicle data. Stream, read and write signals seamlessly into your advanced prototypes in ProtoPie.

Facts – ProtoPie

Connection: ProtoPie Bridge App integration, activate easily using our CLI.

Tech stack/areas used: Infotainment, instrument clusters, backseat entertainment.

Signal transformations: Proprietary, VSS, or other using LUA scripting.

Are you testing your designs on mocked instead of real vehicle data? We’ve got you covered!

Feed recorded data into ProtoPie

Feed recorded data into ProtoPie prototypes

Scarcity and lack of relevant data for early prototyping of instrument clusters, infotainment, and other user experiences hinder iteration and speed. With the RemotiveLabs platform you can;

  • Use recorded vehicle data to make early prototyping more relevant
  • Collaborate by sharing recorded vehicle data across large teams
  • Transform signals to the expected format (COVESA VSS and AAOS vehicle properties for example) that allows easy sharing of data with external teams and third-party developers  

It will only take you minutes to get started and use the recorded data available in our RemotiveCloud free plan, transform it to the desired format and feed it into your cluster or test it with our demo AMG cluster in ProtoPie. Just install RemotiveCLI and connect to ProtoPie Connect to see the prototype come to life! You can find the ProtoPie Connect bridge documentation here and read more about how to mock with real vehicle data here.

remotive connect protopie  --signal vss:Vehicle.Chassis.SteeringWheel.Angle  --signal vss:Vehicle.Speed --broker-url https://my-personal-broker --api-key xxx

Live prototyping in-vehicle

Experience your prototype in a live vehicle

By using RemotiveLabs lightweight tooling in combination with ProtoPie you can experience your prototype live.  In 2 hours we were up and running with an AMG cluster in one of our vehicles. This is what we did:

  • We recorded relevant signal data by connecting the RemotiveBroker to one of our vehicles.
  • With the RemotiveCloud we seamlessly matched the signals with the AMG instrument cluster in ProtoPie using LUA scripts.
  • We connected the RemotiveBroker to the vehicle again and experienced our prototyped cluster live in no time.

The AMG cluster is available here, if you need support getting started please reach out.

Experience your prototypes live in a vehicle the same day you designed it using RemotiveLabs platform and the ProtoPie bridge app. 

Control a vehicle using ProtoPie

RemotiveBroker can act as a middleware to control a vehicle

Control a vehicle and its functionality from your infotainment system built in ProtoPie using the RemotiveBroker. Interact with the vehicle by pressing virtual buttons to change for example climate, windows, lights, or other features and services for your prototype. How it works:

  • RemotiveLabs tooling acts as a signaling gateway allowing you to modify specific signals on the bus (while passing through the rest). No need to hardcode CAN signals!
  • This setup requires RemotiveLabs ECU Framework connected to the physical vehicle bus/es, and a simple bridge app. Contact us for more information.
RemotiveBroker - middleware ProtoPie to CAN

With a RemotiveBroker between ProtoPie and the vehicle, the digital controls in the infotainment system will be able to change the behavior of the vehicle during prototyping.

Collaboration and integration

Make use of vehicle data where and how it is needed

RemotiveLabs is an open and developer-centric platform. It supports smooth collaboration and acts as a middleware to help developers and design teams make use of vehicle data where it is needed.

Collaborate RemotiveCloud enables seamless collaboration without touching the hardware. Use RemotiveCloud for playing, transforming, and streaming signals. Ensure that everyone has access to the same data and share curated signal sets with external collaborators, hiding proprietary data.

Stream data to where teams need it Use LUA scripting to transform signals and produce abstraction layers (for Protopie, AAOS, Unity etc.) in the expected format (such as VSS and AAOS ). Make use of the signals in your preferred language (Python, Rust, C++ etc). Work either through our RemotiveCloud console or CLI.

RemotiveLabs use case with ProtoPie

RemotiveBroker is a simple way to record vehicle data. It also provides the ability to write/publish signals to a vehicle to change its behaviour. RemotiveCloud is a collaboration tool where all designers (internally and externally) gets simple access to real vehicle data as a “single point of truth” and can easily transform signals and stream to external applications – like ProtoPie.

Get started

Get started now

Try RemotiveCloud for free

Get started with real vehicle data in a couple of minutes by signing up to our free plan. Get a sense of the platform by experimenting with signals from sample recordings of real vehicle data.

Sign up now

30-day free RemotiveBroker trial license

Want to experience the full power of RemotiveBroker? Sign-up for a free license here.

Get your free license


Read more about our products at our Github.



RemotiveCloud Pro

900 Euro / year

Choose RemotiveCloud Pro to enjoy unlimited recording uploads, projects and collaborators.

RemotiveBroker (HW license)

2,500 Euro / year

Note! A RemotiveCloud account is included in the RemotiveBroker licensing cost.

Book a personal demo

The core of the RemotiveLabs development platform is easy access to signals from the vehicle with a flexible setup designed to suit modern software development. Book a high-level technical intro with a personal demo and ask us anything you want to know!

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