Use case

Case study: Volvo Cars

RemotiveLabs tooling supports the sending of data from Volvo cars to AR/VR technology from Varjo in real tim.

Volvo Cars iterative testing
October 23, 2022
Prototyping in-vehicle


Supporting iterative testing and incorporating mixed simulated reality

One of the multiple uses of RemotiveLabs platform within Volvo Cars.

Challenge – iterative testing

Mixing a simulated reality with actual reality in a test car requires efficient communication between hardware without delays. Volvo Cars needed a tool that was simple enough to connect to the components in the car and fast enough to keep all signals constantly updated.

Solution – flexible tooling

RemotiveLabs tooling opens up flexibility. Previously it would have been challenging to get the backend code, the mixed reality visualization, and the signals from the car to interoperate given the different languages. Now it comes together in the RemotiveBroker, with the programming language of choice. 

Result – simulated reality in real time

Varjo’s headset speeds up the development processes, both related to fast UX development testing of new designs as well as learning from driver behavior when exposed to various scenarios. RemotiveLabs development platform was one small but essential component to finding ways to enable this new technology as a development tool.

RemotiveLabs supports developer-first in automotive – it is a platform enabling more iteration and speed. There are several business-driven reasons for automakers to go agile and get more stuff done.