Software ownership is crucial for innovation
Software engineers in the automotive industry often struggle with cumbersome development processes, inflexible tooling, and limited ability to iterate quickly.

Why we call for a democratization
Transparency, access to data & freedom of choice are all important factors to ensure that software engineers can collaborate, innovate & get stuff done. We bring modern software development tooling to automotive. All software engineers, independent of their industrial background, should be able to build great things in automotive.
From hardware-centric
Integration only
To software-centric
Ownership & innovation
Our lightweight and flexible tooling is easy to implement independently if development occurs in-vehicle, with test rigs or through cloud collaboration.

Reduce interdependencies
Today’s vehicles are full of sensors and processors which all produce tons of diagnostic data. The automotive industry and its historical value chain also have a lot of interdependencies. Those two factors, mixed with the use of proprietary software development tools, greatly reduce flexibility and add constraints to the ways of working.

Software is a key differentiator
Large megatrends in modern mobility add to the complexity of software development and contribute to why it’s now a substantial portion of the total vehicle value. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are recognizing that software is the key differentiator in virtually all automotive innovation. We are convinced that modern tooling can accelerate and strengthen the software development within the entire mobility segment.
For developers, by developers
Current software tooling and bureaucracy within most OEMs create nightmares for software engineers, drastically limiting their ability to solve challenges and innovate with best practice software tooling. What RemotiveLabs tooling can offer is:
Agile methodology
– Agile software development and its main practice of iteration is a key enabler in keeping up with changing expectations and modern approaches.
– Software engineers can not afford to be crippled by either ineffective access to data or roadblocks to collaboration.
– Developers can use the process of their choice and an iterative workflow with flexible software tooling.
Flexibility and transparency
– Efficient software collaboration requires easily managed access and authorization. – New technologies including cloud storage and data sharing enable developers to work around silos and need-based approaches without location or integration dependency.
– The ability to easily incorporate data into decision-making accelerates automotive software excellence.
Faster innovation
– Software development that’s backed with continuous integration and automated testing not only achieves results more efficiently but does so at a faster rate.
– Equality and freedom enable a whole new dimension of action and collaboration including visualization.
– Development without being bound to specific hardware developers instead have the flexibility to choose the hardware used.
Ready to get started?
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! You can also test drive the platform with our demo in the cloud or by booking a 15-minute technical overview.