Enabling developers to mock entire platforms – virtually!
Mock entire platforms collaboratively, starting virtually using RemotiveTopology running in a soft environment. Run the same test on a developer laptop & CI/CD pipeline of choice. RemotiveTopology’s modularity enables smoother SIL to HIL transition. Develop your software and test it without the target hardware in place and then move the complete solution to the vehicle a.k.a. the ”physical twin”.

Start testing your platform earlier – without the need to wait!
RemotiveTopology makes it possible to test ECUs as well as doing integration testing of core computers – before you have all involved ECUs in place. Don’t sit around waiting for hardware, for access to HIL rigs or for other teams to complete their ECU software. Start testing your software straight away, on your own laptop or in a CI/CD pipeline of your choice.
Get-stuff-done in an early stage!
Iterate instead of waiting around!

Work with executable specifications – not static requirement documents
The RemotiveLabs platform and RemotiveTopology enables system architects to specify functionality in code, an executable specification, rather than in requirement documents.
This executable specification includes a runnable platform that can be validated and verified, from a functional perspective, at an early stage.
The platform can easily be shared with all relevant stakeholders, removing the usual scarcity associated with access to hardware platforms.
Easy transition to other simulators or real components
Bring the Executable Specification along the process from SIL to HIL, step by step. Have mixed test rigs, with parts of the platform virtualized in a soft environment and parts running on the target hardware.
Since the setup is modular and the mocks communicate using the actual automotive protocol, replacing mocks with other simulators or real components is easy, e.g. to include National Instruments / Emerson. This also allows for the framework to be used in a physical setup, for example in test rigs or actual vehicles.
A mixed setup with virtual ECUs and a hardware component (blurred out due to confidentiality). To interact with the setup a graphical interface (Jupyter notebook) is used in this example.
Quick setup and easy-to-use interface
We provide example setups in RemotiveTopology to make it easy to get started. The example setup includes eight (8) ECUs (6 Mocks and 2 Behavioral Models) that communicate over two (2) CAN buses and one (1) SOME/IP network, with a central ECU managing the business logic.
All ECU mocks can be controlled from code allowing central orchestration, for example using pytest. The example setup will also provide you with a Jupyter notebook, which will enable you to interact with the input ECUs using a graphical interface.

Want to test drive RemotiveTopology?
With the Get-stuff-done package we introduce a collaborative-way-of-working; start using RemotiveTopology during a three (3) month period that includes:
- Software licence
- Education and training for your developers
- Services to jointly create a working virtual setup in your environment that demonstrates the key concepts (ECU mocking plus bridging virtual and physical CAN buses) that can be used as a base for further development
- Demonstration how to connect the virtual setup to physical hardware and/or CI pipeline
A typical setup within the three (3) month period:
- Select one (1) ECU to be tested and run this in a virtual environment
- Setup the necessary ECU mocks (typically 5-10 ECUs) communicating over actual automotive protocols (CAN, SOME/IP etc)
- Create a number of test cases to verify the ECU under test
- Create a Jupyter Notebook, which enables interaction with the ECUs using a graphical user interface
- Run on a Docker enabled Linux PC or cloud environment
Ready to get started?
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! You can also test drive the platform with our demo in the cloud or by booking a 15-minute technical overview.