Watch the recorded webinar with hands-on demos focused on why and how RemotiveLabs enables signal conversion with LUA-scripting and iterative development of VSS-signals. COVESA is is a global, member-driven alliance focused on the development of open standards and technologies that accelerate innovation for connected vehicle systems. Resulting in a more diverse, sustainable and integrated mobility ecosystem.
Our recent webinar within COVESA VSS Spotlight focuses on hands-on demos and how our platform caters to emitting Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) with interactive LUA scripting using CLI.
The RemotiveBroker transforms the proprietary signals (live or recorded) into VSS. When you just need to rename a signal you can use a simple configuration file. For more complex transformations, we propose writing a small script in LUA to combine multiple signals, change frequency, and basically own your transformation setup. It is possible to configure the RemotiveBroker to only give access to the transformed signals, for more details see our documentation.
COVESA Spotlight Series, featuring VSS adoption by RemotiveLabs. RemotiveLabs is a startup member within COVESA.
How to subscribe using a LUA script:
Example of a lua script that merges two signals and changes its frequency:
Everything we present in the webinar is available for you to try with our free limited version of RemotiveCloud. Create an account by signing up at – you will automatically create your own project, including a few sample recordings of drive cycles we provide, you can upload 1 Candump and invite 1 collaborator.
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