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One of Sweden’s most promising tech startups

RemotiveLabs has been recognised as one of Sweden’s most promising tech startups by NyTeknik’s jury for the “33-list”. NyTeknik is Sweden’s largest technology magazine digitally and in paper. This recognition places RemotiveLabs alongside past honorees like Spotify, iZettle, and Northvolt, who have since become household names.

RemotiveLabs on NyTeknik 33-list
December 7, 2023
Company update


The 33 Top Tech Startups In Sweden

The prestigious NyTeknik Magazine listing Sweden’s tech startups carefully selects the companies considered to bring innovative solutions to complex problems with the capability of changing the industry they operate in on an international level. Among the other startups on the list, RemotiveLabs is recognized for its development platform to enable vehicle OEMs to take software ownership in the digitalization / deep tech category.

RemotiveLabs makes it possible for developers of different programming backgrounds to develop and test vehicle software and collaborate in the cloud, increasing development speed significantly.

RemotiveLabs description at the 33-event
in the digitalization / deep tech category with our

Right: RemotiveLabs founders Per Sigurdson & Aleksander Filipov on stage with the other startups in the digitalization / deep tech category. Left: Part of RemotiveLabs team, Aleksandar Filipov & Carin Lagerstedt, on site in the mingle area at the event in Stockholm.

Ownership, iteration, increased virtualization & collaboration

RemotiveLabs listing in Ny Teknik translates as follows: Car manufacturers like Tesla have demonstrated the importance of software for modern vehicles. The traditional manufacturers have struggled to keep pace. The software is often scattered across the car’s hundreds of different control units and is owned by a multitude of suppliers. Malmö-based Remotive Labs has created a development platform designed to solve this problem. It enables developers with varying programming skills to jointly develop and test new code and to work together in the cloud, which speeds up development. The platform also facilitates the recruitment of new developers, for example, from the gaming industry. RemotiveLabs is an independent spin-off from Volvo Cars, which is one of the first handful of customers.

To be considered for the 33-list, the company must be Swedish, unlisted, no more than seven years old, and be based on its own technical innovation. The business idea needs to have international potential. The NyTeknik 33-list event gathered 400+ investors and tech enthusiasts in total.