
Latest advancements in our platform

Platform update winter 2023/2024: Amidst the complexities of automotive software development, where seamless collaboration and integrated processes are crucial for success, RemotiveLabs is thrilled to summarize our tooling news! Including launch of a limited RemotiveCloud free plan, increased compatibility features and scripting possibilities.

Four recordings in remotivebroker
January 22, 2024
Feature Update


Product updates

Our tooling addresses common challenges in automotive, including speed in development cycles, the ability to efficiently share data as well as reducing complexity. The features are under constant development as we strive to empower vehicle software engineers to get more stuff done. The recent launch of our cloud console is an instrumental step in streamlining development. We are on a journey to build a complete and developer-friendly platform for vehicle virtualization.

Why RemotiveCloud? 

  • Collaborate seamlessly with your team and external partners. Play, transform, and stream vehicle signals to where you need them, ensuring seamless access within your team or organization. Share curated signal sets with external collaborators while safeguarding proprietary data.
  • Use your own recordings or our samples of recorded drive cycles Upload vehicle data through a Candump file, and for those without recorded data, we offer access to sample vehicle recordings. Existing users can seamlessly import sample recordings directly into their ongoing projects.
  • Transform signals on the fly with LUA Scripting into for example VSS (Vehicle Signal Specification) or produce abstraction layers for various platforms such as Protopie, AAOS, Unity, and more. Work with signals in your preferred language — be it Python, Rust, C++, or others — through the RemotiveCloud console or Command Line Interface (CLI).

Limited version available for free

Experience the transformative capabilities of RemotiveCloud without any upfront costs by signing up to our free plan. Gain access to a total of four sample recordings of real vehicle data, upload your own Candump file, create a project, and invite one external collaborator to share insights and streamline development workflows. A perfect opportunity to explore the capabilities of RemotiveCloud and experience the power of using, transforming and streaming vehicle data to external applications.

The available recordings in the RemotiveLabs Free Plan include a variety of drive cycles including night drive, city drive and highway drives.

Increased compatibility with legacy tooling & new features  

Compared to legacy and locked-in tooling, we pride ourselves in developing flexible, open and scalable tooling. RemotiveLabs Platform resembles the type of toolings developers are used to and easily integrate into open source and other tooling. Following requests from current customers we constantly add more compatibility with legacy tooling and features to enhance capabilities and smooth integrations. In our last platform update, we added support for E2E protection and COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS), this time we have geared up within the following:

    Candump example RemotiveLabs

    In RemotiveCloud, its now possible to use not only recordings from RemotiveBroker – you can now upload and replay your Candump log files (candump -L) with ASC and BLF support coming shortly.

    SecOC RemotiveLabs

    SecOC (Specification of Secure Onboard Communication Protocol), has been added to enable communication and mocking of peers which require SecOC.  

    RemotiveBroker now supports ARXML on top of LDF/DBC and Fibex. Where possible, necessary data for SecOC and E2E protection is extracted to ease configuration.

    Try our new CLI for scripting and automation

    Traditional automotive software toolings create frustrations due to a lack of the ability to integrate code efficiently – most of our users appreciate access in code rather than graphical user interfaces (GUI). Download and install the Command Line Interface (CLI) to tap into even swifter execution, and task automation possibilities – seamlessly integrated into your toolkit for an efficient workflow. 

    $ remotive --help
     Usage: remotive [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
     Welcome to RemotiveLabs CLI - Simplify and automate tasks for cloud resources and brokers
     For documentation -
    ╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ broker  Manage a single broker - local or cloud                                          │
    │ cloud   Manage resources in RemotiveCloud                                                │
    │ tui     Explore remotive-cli and generate commands with this textual user interface      │
    │         application   

    Example for playing and subscribing to signals in a recorded drive cycle:

    # Mount recording to be ready to play
    remotive cloud recordings mount 13204583977946970000
    # Start playing
    remotive cloud recordings play 13204583977946970000 
    # Subscribe to signals
    remotive broker signals subscribe --signal Vehicle.Speed --namespace vss
    Subscribing to signals, press Ctrl+C to exit
    [{"timestamp_us": 1664787132223451, "name": "Vehicle.Speed", "value": 28}]
    [{"timestamp_us": 1664787132277071, "name": "Vehicle.Speed", "value": 28}]

    More information at

    What’s up next?

    In our upcoming releases, users can dive into our new tool enabling seamless exploration of vehicle recordings. Search and analyze signals, tag anomalies, and share specific scenarios. Also, stay tuned for RemotiveLabs’ ECU-simulation product, currently in pilot mode with major automotive OEM partners, as we are making great advancements in providing efficient vehicle virtualization development and testing.

    Analyze features for automotive vehicle data
    Soon to be released feature to easily search, analyze & debug vehicle recordings.

    Explore our Platform documentation and product guides to delve deeper into what our products has to offer. Visit our Github or reach out to us for additional information and discover how RemotiveLabs is transforming collaboration and integration in the world of software development. For more info or to share product wishes, reach out to us at