
Platform update – Spring 2023

The RemotiveBrokerApp has undergone a user experience update including a new fresh look-and-feel as well as improvements for signal processing and analyzing features, and new features relating to VSS support and E2E protection.

March 16, 2023
Feature Update


Updates and new features

Our RemotiveLabs Platform is constantly evolving with new features and we just made an overhaul of the RemotiveBrokerApp that accompanies the core of our product for live access to vehicle data and recordings. Below is the list of improvements and new features to accelerate software development and make ECU prototyping/testing/validation even more fun! For adding new features – our focus is of course things that help developers collaborate, innovate and get stuff done.  

RemotiveBrokerApp – user experience update

We’ve updated the user interface and added new features for reading and writing to vehicle signal data, both for live data in the RemotiveBrokerApp as well as on recorded data in the RemotiveCloud (broad release upcoming – RemotiveCloud is currently in Beta!): 

  • All the functionality you are used to but with a fresh new look- and- feel!
  • Improved performance when using multiple signal graphs
  • Choose between bar and line charts
  • Control playback, recordings, and signal selection from the same view
  • Simplified navigation when using a cloud broker vs a physical broker
  • Search for frames and signals by name, namespace, or parent frame
  • Send feedback in two simple steps
  • View signal history grouped by frame
  • Change broker URL and API key from within the application
Print screen of RemotiveBroker app vehicle signal data and history

Making automotive stuff developer-friendly

We are constantly evolving new features for more flexible and fun automotive development. Next up is a broader release of RemotiveCloud, including new analysis and third-party collaboration capabilities features. Want to become a Beta tester already now? Contact us.


Developer-friendly E2E protection
New integrated feature for enabling E2E protection using only a few lines of json code >> Read more


VSS – for Collaboration enablement
Easily convert your proprietary data into VSS data – share/collaborate in real-time or with recorded drive cycles >> Read more

The RemotiveLabs platform and use case examples 

Interested in learning more? RemotiveLabs is a flexible tooling addition to software development, prototyping, and testing across automotive projects. The core of the product, RemotiveBroker, acts like a software ECU and Cloud-connected logger – with the ability to simulate hardware and software including efficient restbus testing. With a RemotiveBroker, it is possible to (through live data or recordings) quickly get access to the relevant signal data for development purposes and translate between protocols. Here are two example use cases:

Want to learn more? We would be happy to show you more use cases – book a platform intro on the Tooling overview page.